姜酵素 Ginger Enzyme

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老姜400克、嫩姜200克、片糖300克、柠檬1 1/2粒(切片)、野山蜜糖2汤匙、玻璃瓶1个(洗净,晒干,备用)、纱布(图1-2)













400g old ginger, 200g young ginger, 300g sliced sugar, 1 1/2 lemon (slice), 2 tsbp wild honey, 1 clean glass container and bandages. (pic 1-2)


1.Wash the ginger (do not skinned), dry up naturally (at least a day).

2.Slice ginger thickly, smash both ginger and mix together, and then apportion into three sets. (pic 3)

3.Place 1 set of ginger into the glass container, then cover with a layer of sliced sugar and lemons slices. Repeat the steps for the next 2 layers, and then pour honey on top. (pic 4-5)

4.Cover the container with bandages but do not seal it. Let them fermented in 3 weeks. (pic 6)


* Ginger is not as juicy as other fruits, so it is tougher to be fermented.

* That’s why make sure you bought the freshest ginger.

* After 1 week of fermentation,open to check and also have some ventilation.

* During fementation, white bubble on surface is nomal, unless they are blackish.

* During fermentation, may shake tenderly to let the sugar liquid moisten top level.